Helpful Teaching Materials
Excellent teaching from The London Healing Rooms available on DVD

"Distractions" By Betty Burke £3.50 Including postage and packing.
Please phone 07726 916375 or email to order.
Excellent teaching from The London Healing Rooms available on DVD

"The Heart" By Betty Burke £3.50 Including postage and packing.
Please phone 07726 916375 or email to order.
Excellent teaching from The London Healing Rooms available on DVD

"Bursting the ballons of negative words" By Betty Burke £3.50 Including postage and packing.
Please phone 07726 916375 or email to order.
Excellent teaching from The London Healing Rooms available on DVD

" Intimacy With Jesus" By Betty Burke £3.50 Including postage and packing.
Please phone 07726 916375 or email to order.