Helpful Teaching Materials

Cal Pierce"Preparing the Way" £POA
Testimony of how the Healing Rooms was birthed. Makes exciting reading, the Lord wants to restore to the body of Christ resurrection power, miracles and healing.

Roger Sapp "Performing Miracles And Healing" £POA
Essential reading for anyone who wants to understand how Jesus ministered healing.

Roger Sapp "Self Study Companion To Performing Miracles And Healing" £POA
Self study Companion to the above - will help to seal the teaching. Buy Both Books together for £POA

John G Lake "His life sermons, his boldness of faith." £POA
Much of the teaching and preaching of John G Lake.
Faith inspiring and building to step out, lay hands on the sick and see them healed.

John G Lake "His Complete Works" Roberts Liardon. £POA
Wonderful book of all his writings and sermons. 1,000 pages. Very good and inspiring read.

Betty Burke"From ashes to Heaing" £POA
Read Betty's testimony of how she went from running a tobacconist's to running a Christian book shop and the subsequent beginnings of the London Healing Rooms.

Mahesh Chavda "The Hidden Power of Prayer and Fasting" £POA
Fasting plays such an important roll in seeking the Lord. Essential reading with lots of revelation.

John Bevere "Bait of Satan" £POA
"Your response determines your future".
Most likely tool of the enemy to keep the church ineffective.

Joyce Meyer "Battlefield of the Mind" £POA
A necessary study for spiritual warfare.

FF Bosworth "Christ the Healer" £POA
One of the best books written on healing. Essential material for those seeking healing and those ministering.

Charles Capps "God's Creative Power for Healing" £POA
Booklet for those seeking healing. Lots of scriptures, good for giving away too!