History of Healing Rooms
John G Lake
John G Lake was born in Canada in 1870. He went to South Africa as a missionary in 1908 and his ministry is estimated to have a million converts and established over 625 churches. In 1914, John. G. Lake was called by God to Spokane, Washington State, USA, where he brought together a team of men and women who he named “Healing Technicians”. He opened a suite of rooms in the Rookery Building in downtown Spokane which eventually became known as the “Healing Room”. Within a five to six year period there were documented over 100,000 healings and Spokane was named by a federal government representative as the “healthiest city in the world”.
John G. Lake was a man of purpose, vision, strength and character, his one goal in life was to bring the fullness of God to every person. He often said that the secret of heaven's power was not in the doing, but in the being. He believed that Spirit-filled Christians should enjoy the same type of ministry Jesus did while living on earth, and that this reality could only be accomplished by seeing themselves as God saw them.
International Association Of Healing Rooms (IAHR) - Cal Pierce.
From Bethel Church (Pastor Bill Johnson) in Redding, California in the late 1990’s Cal Pierce and his wife Michelle were led to re-open the Healing Rooms. In July 1999 this was re-started in the same location where John Lake began his work. The Healing Rooms were staffed by a team of intercessors that Cal Pierce assembled and was preceded by a huge prayer effort by the team and supported by the local Churches. The work was immediately successful and within a short time Cal Pierce was taking two conferences a month, being booked a year in advance by other churches wanting to spread the Healing Rooms across the United States and Internationally.
Healing Rooms were opened in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, England, South Africa, Korea and other parts of the world. This led to the formation of the International Association of Healing Rooms which provides connections, tools, training and support for all other Healing Rooms although they are each an independent organisation. There are currently over 3,000 Healing Rooms in 76 nations worldwide and in excess of 110 in the UK alone.
HREW (formerly NAHR England) - Paul and Eve Clift
In the middle of 2001 Paul Clift heard the Holy Spirit speak to him. 'Open up the wells of healing'. He didn't really understand what that meant. Someone gave Paul a print out of the home page of a Christian organisation called Healing Rooms Ministries based in Spokane.
Paul received confirmation of this word in December 2001. He then enrolled on a Healing Rooms training course in Spokane at the end of 2002. It was a time of learning but Paul did not know what was ahead because he thought he would be just opening a Healing Room in Halifax
Paul returned to Halifax at the beginning of March 2002, but there was still a lot of work to do. A training course was organised for October 2002 and many people attended. From this training course the Healing Rooms of Halifax opened at the end of January 2003 which were the first IAHR Healing Rooms in the UK.
During 2003 a lot of changes took place. Healing Rooms started to be formed around the nation and the first Healing Rooms conference was held in Halifax in November 2003. In January 2016 the name changed from NAHR England to Healing Rooms England & Wales - HREW.
During 2017-18 Paul & Eve Clift will be handing over responsibility for HREW to Veronica & David Mee as National Directors. They will be taking on roles as directors for parts of Europe.
The London Healing Rooms
The London Healing Rooms were started by Tom & Betty Burke in April 2003 at the Good News Shop in Leyton. Tom & Betty had been to Spokane in 2002 to be trained in Christian Healing under Cal Pierce. There are currently 34 people on the ministry team from many different churches and denominations all working together in unity and in cooperation with the Holy Spirit to see people healed and set free; body, mind & spirit. We have prayed for countless people and have seen the Lord move in many ways in many lives As a team we have been to several churches to train their members in praying for the sick.